In June we celebrated our new Rotary year with a Change of Watch Ceremony, welcoming Bob Bible as our incoming President for 2023-24 ensuing year.   He has a wonderful slate of officers to help guide and lead our Club:
President Elect - Pinky Harriott
Secretary - Ron Bridges
Treasurer - Doug Crowley
Past President - Dick Deuel
Sgt-at-Arms - Scott Klumb
Foundation Chair - Kerry Bunton
Public Image Chair - Pinky Harriott/Terri Stokes
Membership Chair - Neil Lipsitz
Service Projects Chair - Kathy Crowley
Youth Exchange Officer - Laura Fanelli
We are so proud of Kerry Bunton to be named Assistant Governor!   
We kicked off our volunteer activities with the Annual Beaufort Water Festival in July with serving beer for two nights:  Motown Monday and 
the Talent Show (where our very own Jeff Althoff is the MC);  we always enjoy teaming up with the other two local clubs to serve Lowcountry Boil on Thursday night.  
Chuck Raynor keeps us motivated with our monthly Adopt-A-Highway - we look forward to Interact Club joining us again soon.  
Spanish Moss Trail Trash Pickup is weekly - Combining the Speaker Assignment with Spanish Moss Trail has been a win /win - so easy to
remember when your turn has arrived.
Terrific, Informative, Entertaining Speakers - Wow a great variety of speakers for July!
James Nutt - Beaufort Water Festival Commodore
Pamela Courtney - Port Royal Historic Society & Museum
Stacey Applegate - Freeman Arts District
Thanks Scott Klumb and Neil Lipsitz for a fun program August 4th in honor of Rotary Membership Month.
The Rotary Club of the Lowcountry welcomes visitors to our club!  Please join us on Fridays at 7:30 am at Sea Island Presbyterian Church on Lady's Island.    Questions?? - contact our President, Bob Bible at Our next program is August 11th.  Check out our Facebook page,
Rotary Club of the Lowcountry - Beaufort.